Photobucket The Mirror Has Two Faces: My mother wants me to stay (and rot) here.... and the world is conniving with her! You want proofs?

Saturday, January 09, 2010

My mother wants me to stay (and rot) here.... and the world is conniving with her! You want proofs?

1. I have taken the TOEFL iBT 5 times and have it rescored 3 times
2. Had a 0.5 Unit deficiency in my credentials evaluation (imagine, point five!)
3. The Registrar's Office printed a wrong copy of my TOR so I had to wait an extra week to have it re-printed and be sent to my evaluator
4. The new copy of the TOR hasn't reached my evaluator as of the moment
5. I haven't yet received a letter of my TOEFL iBT passing scores
6. BPI cannot do a demand draft for me as my payment to ECPTOTE because they do not have a new form for it and told me to wait til next week for them to have the new demand draft form
7. Before when I didn't have requirements to pursue a career as PT in the US, agencies were contacting me left and right... now that I am quite ready, I am not hearing from anyone anymore
8. Sit-ins are allowed in the review center, the problem is that I have already attended the lectures that are being held this week up to I do not know when
9. Lost/Misplaced/Stolen IER book
10. Family issues

Putang ina


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hay naku by PUSH!!!!!!!!!!!! Pray (and DO) until something happens! nu ba live your life! you owe it to yourself!

yoko na magsalita! i'll zip my mouth baka me masabi lang ako sa buset! tsk!

Sunday, January 10, 2010  
Anonymous femme_fatale said...

la la la la la la
la la la la la la

Wednesday, January 13, 2010  
Blogger Sam-Mik said...

awww dont be too sad sis... in time, maaayos din lahat yan... kasama mo naman si adik kaya ok lang yan di ba?

Sunday, January 31, 2010  
Anonymous femme_fatale said...

im just putting the blame on others sis, haha!

unti unti ng naaayos kaya konti na lang ang masisisi ko, hehe!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010  

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